Getting Around

Why am I doing this?
To help unlock the potential of Revit Structure in less time, because time is money. Plain and Simple

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wow...RST 2013

Im totally...........underwhelmed reading the list.  Really, in a year you added what?  Ooohhhhh....wwf, that's your headline feature add?.  So groundbreaking and useful... Man, that was totally worth it......pffft.

Maybe the analytical improvements will be useful.
Dimension enhancement? Diameter dimension should have been there from the start
Autodesk, your Revit product is awesome, but you still have a LOOOOOOONNNGGGG way to go before it's where it should be.  This update seems like your shooting BB's at an aircraft carrier.

Thanks for addressing the core issues important to your users.  I guess Revit is the new Madden
I hope Im wrong.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Same As It Ever Was

It's amazing how people can see the same thing completely different.  This weekend I spent some time with other structural engineers.  In discussing business, they asked if I "liked" Revit.  I replied, "Yea, I love it".  He told me that I was the SE he knew that liked it. We extended the conversation with another telling me that they make their Revit experience as CAD like as possible. It really surprised me and made me evaluate my workflow.

After thinking it over for a couple of days, I came to the conclusion that since making the switch to Revit, I don't necessarily complete my job faster, I complete my job better.  Im not putting lines on paper, Im virtually building my structure.  I think as more architects and engineers embrace Revit, the more speed and accuracy we will gain.

I think Steve Safford's post Yeah But hits the nail on the head.  Referring to architects and engineeers resisting the transition from CAD to Revit or BIM in general.  He said:

Just keep in mind that you are not moving forward now. You may be getting work, busy, doing what you have always done. That might be okay for now. How long does "now" last though? How many other professions are still doing things the same way they were ten years ago? Are we immune? 

"Same as it Ever Was"

Friday, March 16, 2012

Voids - Won't Cut Columns?

Im finding that I cannot cut columns w/ In-Place Void extrusions, forms, etc.  They will cut just about any thing else.  Is this true?  Somebody enlighten me please?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Why does it start the command w/ Building Elevation instead of Framing Elevation?

Design Review Mobile for Android

Short and Sweet: it's cool, but useless on a phone.  I have a HTC EVO which has a big screen (4.3") and it's still just too small of a screen to navigate a 3D model effectively, plans are better.  I will take it on my jobsite visit, and see how useful it really is.

On an IPAD, (Random thought, I guess the IPAD is to tablets what Coke is to soft drinks now) that's probably a much better use.  Also, the fact you have to run the files thru Autodesks "cloud" pffffttt....just what I need. Another file location to deal with.

No doubt the cool factor is there.  I think it's also a glimpse of the future of computing with tablet computers, touchscreens, voice input and motion input, such as kinect. The cloud aspect and tablet computers are going to be integral to our workflow in the future.


Did you know that you could enter dimensions like this?
5 space 4? Boom! Free Money

Money Money Money Money