Getting Around

Why am I doing this?
To help unlock the potential of Revit Structure in less time, because time is money. Plain and Simple

Monday, September 27, 2010


Ok, everybody I work with hears my Dropbox stories, but I don't think they feel me on it.  Im a geeky computer guy and want all my shit to work right and Im always looking for a shortcut to do anything.  Is that good or bad, probably both, but it's my search for zen. Im a cheapass and this solution only cost me $10 a month for 50 GB, they will give you 250 MB free.

How does that tie into Revit? Im glad you asked.  This is why I think Dropbox is excellent for people who work with large files (REVIT TIE-IN) over multiple computers and/or multiple locations. It also has some other key benefits as well.
  • 1 file.  Simple as that.  I open the same file, located locally on my computer (My Dropbox folder) across 4 computers at 2 locations.  No overwriting, No Synchronization
  • Like I said, it's located on your hard drive, therefore it's fast.  You can't work in Revit off of a file thats located on an off site server, the time it takes to save would be huge.
  • Any of you familiar with Getting Things Done methods will appreciate this.  Basically I catch a lot of information everyday; So the easier I can digest that information in an orderly manner, the faster I am and better orgainized I am.
    • For example. I save all info I get from emails at home or work or somewhere else (on my phone) to the same folder.  It all goes in 1 organized place.
  • Backup -  Im lazy and don't backup my files enough.  Well, Dropbox takes care of that.  Your files are also stored online and can be accessed from anywhere.
  • Phone Access - I can access my Dropbox from my Blackberry now.  I can access any files or send anyone a link to anyfile in my dropbox.  
    • Today I sent a coworker a 20 MB Revit file with my phone, and there was 0 uploading or downloading to my phone, only opening or saving the file on his end.
  • I use a plug in called airdropper.  This allows you to send an email to someone which lets them directly upload a file up to 80 mb into your dropbox folder.
  • Synchronization.  There are lots of options and lots of limitations here, its a free-for-all and lots of trial and error to make it work.
So there you go, I wade thru a lot of bullshit trying to simplify my life, which ironically usually complicates my life, but that's not the point.  This actually works like it should and that makes me happy.

I'll leave you on a happy note.......